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Friday, April 3, 2009


We determined that aa 40 degree angle would be superior to any other, in a complete vaccumed enviroment, 45 degrees would be the best. at the 35 it would be too low and it would just get pushed down to the ground.


I belive our cannon was well-designed, the only thing that effected it was the variable of temperature, a.k.a. the cold weather. Gay lusaccs law states temperature and pressure are directly related, meaning that the colder it was the less pressure, meaning that it woudnt have enough power to shoot, hopefully we will get another chance to rebuild, and refire the cannon.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Range Formula

G=32.3 (feet/per second)
V=Initial Velocity (What We Find
(Theta)= Launch angle in degrees
R= Launch Distance

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


1. We took the end off of one of our cans.

2. We put the top of the can on the end of the can that was cut.

3. Replaced cut end to can with top of end.

4. Tape it securely

5. Cut an arch out of other can

6. Lay can on top of cut can.

7. Tape it on it securely.

Test Firing

Cannon Firing

1. Cannon construction design choice?
Answer: For a stable base, higher concentration of gas, and a smaller volume for more pressure.

2. Launch angle choice?
Answer: We picked a 40 degree angle for a balance between initial velocity, and altitude.

3. Expected results?
Answer: We thought the back end would blow off, because it was lose and not very secure.

4. What would you do differently?
Answer: Secure the back end, and the base.

5. Record distance your cannon shopt the nerf ball.
Answer: 0 feet.

6.Determine initial velocity of your firing
Answer: R=0

Thursday, February 12, 2009

The History of the Cannon, in Modern Times

The peak of the design of the cannon is right now. From cannons that took 60 oxen and 200 mean to pull, and could only fire about 8 times a day, to now, when we have mobile cannons that can move 40 Miles per hour and bombard for hours on end. "Modern artillery" is classified as either firing an explosive shell, or a rocket. The first "modern" artillery unit is considered to be the "French 75 of 1897" with its cased ammunition, effective breech-loading, modern sights, and self-contained firing mechanism. It was considered to be the most effective artillery piece of the era. At that time, now artillery pieces have advanced further.