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Thursday, February 12, 2009

The History of the cannon, in 1700's-1800's

The cannon developed much more in the 1700's and 1800's than it ever did during the middle ages. The designing and engineering of artillery became a large movement and one of the men who made a large contribution to it was Jean-Baptiste de Gribeauval. He created a "standard cannon". A cannon that could interchange parts and be replared very easily because it was uniform. Another major advancement in cannons was the Flintlock mechanism. It is much safer more reliable and faster than the former way of igniting the cannon. The last major advancement in this time period was the "Rifled cannon" some firearms had been rifled before, but the technology for rifling a cannon did'nt exist till the 19th century.


  1. Very good, except your missing the picture

  2. Very good. you have all of your critical information and no evident grammar errors. Jeremy Approves this blog
